Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgeon

What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:

A laparoscopic hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the womb (also known as the uterus). This procedure is also known as a keyhole surgery.

A small cut is made in the belly under anaesthesia, and a specialist camera is inserted in the abdomen, so the surgeon can clearly see and remove the womb.

Benefits of Laparoscopy surgery:

There are clear benefits to laparoscopic surgery in comparison to normal open surgery. Due to the small size of the cut in laparoscopic surgery, there is less scarring, less pain and a smaller risk of infection. This means the healing process will also be faster and you will be able to leave the hospital and resume daily activities sooner.

Do I need a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy may be needed for certain conditions to relieve painful and distressing symptoms, and to improve your lifestyle. Laparoscopic hysterectomy Specialists will discuss this in detail with you and consider your medical history, current health, symptoms and any underlying conditions before recommending a hysterectomy. Common indications for considering Hysterectomy includes:

  • Endometriosis:  Endometriosis is a condition where tissue, similar to the lining of the womb, starts to grow on the ovaries. Severe cases of endometriosis with painful symptoms, such as persistent pelvic or abdominal pain, may be treated with a hysterectomy.
  • Heavy or painful periods: After other treatment options such as medication have been explored, a hysterectomy may be recommended to individuals who suffer from abnormally heavy or painful periods to improve their quality of life.
  • Fibroids: Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors   that grow in the muscular wall of the womb (uterus). In some women, they can cause heavy and painful periods or grow to press on the bladder and cause urinary symptoms.
  • Adenomyosis: This is a condition where the tissue lining the womb grows outward into the muscular wall of the womb. This can cause severe symptoms of pain, heavy bleeding and enlargement of the womb, which may need a hysterectomy to resolve
  • Uterine prolapse: This can occur when the womb drops into the vaginal canal because pelvic muscles and ligaments are not strong enough to hold it in place. Severe cases may need a hysterectomy to reduce pain and discomfort that interferes with daily life.
  • Cancer: Laparoscopic hysterectomy is often used to treat cancers of the womb or ovaries. Your doctor will thoroughly discuss other cancer treatment therapies and options alongside surgery. The extent of surgery will depend on the type and stage of cancer.

What can I expect after a Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:

You will need to stay in the hospital after the surgery performed by the Laparoscopic hysterectomy Specialists. Most of the time, you may be able to go home within 24 hours however it could be delayed for a few days depending on your individual circumstances.

You may experience some pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen after the surgery.Your laparoscopic hysterectomy surgeon will prescribe pain relief medication to ease and help this. Right after the surgery, you may feel tired and sleepy as after-effects of the anaesthesia. Taking rest for the first two weeks will help to ease your symptoms and gradually build up the number of things you do during the day.

You can expect some vaginal bleeding for 1-2 weeks after the surgery. This will be like a light period. During this time, you should use sanitary towels instead of tampons to reduce the risk of infection.

After your operation, there is a small risk of blood clots forming in your legs, known as deep vein thrombosis. This risk is reduced by wearing special compression stockings (anti-embolic stockings) which will be given to you in the hospital. Your doctor may also advise gentle leg and mobility exercises, or give you blood thinning injections to reduce this risk.

Each individual’s experience of surgery and recovery will be unique and different from others. Therefore, it is essential to discuss any concerns or anything unexpected during your recovery period with your doctor. They will give you advice, guidance and support tailored to your personal situation.

Discover expert care for laparoscopic hysterectomy in Scunthorpe, Doncaster and Grimsby with our skilled laparoscopic hysterectomy surgeon – Your journey to optimal gynecological health starts here!

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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Leaflet 

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